people who report to us say they experienced bullying and harassment at their place of work
people who report to us did not formally report their workplace harassment and bullying
people who report to us left their organisation as a direct consequence of their experience
Want to discover how the Speak Out Survey can help your organisation effectively target your ED&I programme for maximum positive impact?
*Source: Speak Out Dashboard, October 2021
Three steps for targeting intervention to change these statistics for your workplace…
Step 1: Empower your employees to safely speak out
Speak Out Revolution provides a bespoke, anonymous and impartial survey for your workplace focused on employee experience of non inclusive behaviours and their route to resolution.
No setup required, it’s as easy as sending an email
Step 2: Benchmark against your sector
Speak Out Revolution generates an insights report and benchmarks your organisation to industry, to identify areas of best practice and opportunities to improve your programme.
Delivered as a comprehensive report or executive presentation
Step 3: Target your ED&I programme
Speak Out Revolution provides recommended Top 10 ways you can drive positive change touching on people, process, technology and data to start seeing the shift in your culture that you desire.
We can even help performance manage your programme
Interested in targeting your ED&I programme?