Speak Out Allied Event
50 min workshop: Learn how specialist recruiter, Anna Ludeman, is breaking down barriers to more inclusive recruiting in the workplace
Job searching isn't fun for anyone. But imagine being differently-abled, having a debilitating disease, or being a stay-at-home dad who wants to work a part-time job.
With these challenges, it's not easy to find a position that meets our unique needs. Join Anna Ludeman, Director of Valued Recruitment, for an engaging event where we will discuss how workplace recruitment can change in order to encapsulate the diverse employment parameters that exist in today's job market.
More about our amazing ally:
Anna Ludeman is a specialist Recruiter who hires inclusively for charities and businesses who do good things. Anna has been finding dream jobs for candidates over the last 12 years and believes that flexibility can help remove barriers to a fair, just and inclusive workplace by empowering those who seek a different way of working.
A light bulb moment came to her after two life-defining moments. The first was seeing her husband Dexter navigate his way through a debilitating disease, losing his job during the process as his sector wasn't geared up for flexible working. The second (and third) moment came in the form of Lily and Betsy, two little girls who have changed life completely. They shone a light on the lack of fulfilling and flexible employment opportunities available to parents, carers and anyone who needs a different way of working. Valued was born and is one of her greatest achievements.