How Punks With Purpose sparked the Speak Out Revolution
Image Source: Matt Buckland, Twitter:@ElSatanico
Culture of Fear
For anyone that may have missed it, BrewDog and their alleged toxic culture has dominated social media this last week. For me, it was hard to avoid (even while taking leave!)... When you start a Not-For-Profit with a mission to literally “cancel the culture of silence on workplace harassment and bullying” then major companies that s**t the bed quickly get put on your radar.
BrewDog aren’t special but their (ex)employees are…
What’s surprising to me is how unsurprising the contents of the Open Letter to BrewDog actually are - not because I have special knowledge of the company or affiliation to any ex-employees - but because the letter could be addressed to any number of organisations and CEOs and be just as valid.
We have cultural problems that are amplified in our workplaces and the systems and processes we have in place don’t protect targets of poor behaviours, they silence them.
Here’s why. Global insights into workplace harassment and bullying presented in the Speak Out Dashboard report:
It’s 3 times more likely a person's experience of workplace harassment or bullying becomes worse, not better, from reporting to their organisation.
The leading consequence of reporting workplace harassment or bullying to your organisation is detriment to your mental health.
68% of people who experience workplace harassment or bullying will not report to their organisations, which means companies will not see the majority of the issues.
22% of people who report workplace harassment or bullying are silenced via a Non-Disclosure Agreement, limiting their freedom to speak out.
What is special, and I think demands our utmost respect, is the bravery, resilience, and selflessness of those who identify as Punks With Purpose (ex-employees of BrewDog who are calling for change).
Brave because around 1 in 5 people report being victimised as a consequence of raising or supporting a claim of workplace harassment or bullying.
Resilient because the top 3 consequences of working in a toxic environment are to make you want to leave, to negatively impact your mental health and erode your confidence.
Selfless because 61% leave as a direct consequence of their toxic environment but Punks With Purpose speak out at their own risk on behalf of those who continue to work there.
Speak Out Revolution
While others debate and quibble over the PR approaches from both sides, I’m focussed on the bigger picture - and I’m quietly hopeful. I’m hopeful that Punks With Purpose sparked the Speak Out Revolution, inspiring everyone (regardless of industry or geography) to speak out on behalf of others so that we can create workplaces that are truly inclusive.
Huge thanks to Brienne Allen (Insta: @Ratmagnet) and Siobhan Buchanan (@BritishBeerGirl) for their work exposing sexism and misogyny in the beer industry - your bravery inspired us to finally speak out
- Punks With Purpose
If you’ve worked in a toxic culture or with difficult people you can join the community of people speaking out by adding your experience anonymously to the Speak Out Dashboard today, here.
Follow us on social media for helpful insights, free resources and events for targets of workplace harassment and bullying, and allies for truly inclusive workplaces.
If you’ve made it this far, I’m interested to know - Is there a hypothetical open letter for an ex-employer you’d be willing to sign?
Thanks for reading!