The Advantages Of A Single Parental Leave Policy Over Separate Maternity And Paternity Leaves
Guest User Guest User

The Advantages Of A Single Parental Leave Policy Over Separate Maternity And Paternity Leaves

The transition to parenthood changes any parent's physical and mental health drastically. Paid leave from work helps parents navigate these changes and shift their focus from making a living to bonding with their newborn.

Many companies think they are progressive enough by boosting their maternity leave packages when there is a better option: parental leave or offering paid time off for parents, regardless of gender. After all, both parents should be given ample time to adjust to parenthood, take care of their newborn in their first few months, and bond with their partners as they navigate this transition.

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Why your company needs a comfort room, now
Marie Hemingway Marie Hemingway

Why your company needs a comfort room, now

Can we really expect to advance gender equality in our workplaces when we continually overlook the fundamental needs of our female employees.

In this article, our founder Marie Hemingway shares her experience of returning to work after maternity leave, the widespread lack of provisions for women who choose to breastfeed and best practice solutions companies are implementing to create truly inclusive workplaces.

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Speak Out Story: Discriminated Against for Becoming my Real Self
Guest User Guest User

Speak Out Story: Discriminated Against for Becoming my Real Self

The Speak Out Stories are a series of anonymous blogs which provide a voice to those who have been silenced, raise awareness of the challenges which others face and empower everyone to advocate for truly inclusive workplaces.

This story is about Rachael’s journey to becoming her real self, and the challenges along the way.

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I’m calling bulls**t on the Times Top 50 Employers for Women list: This is why you should too…
Marie Hemingway Marie Hemingway

I’m calling bulls**t on the Times Top 50 Employers for Women list: This is why you should too…

Is it responsible to assert claims on who is a ‘Top Employer’ for women, while women simultaneously speak out about their poor lived experiences in said workplaces? With the extensive reach and heavily promoted prestige of inclusion on the Times Top 50 Employers for Women list perhaps we need to rethink how responsible such claims are…

In this article, I hope to challenge the perception that inclusion on lists such as these mean that these workplaces are great places for women.

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Speak Out Story: Feelings of being forced to take ill health retirement!
Guest User Guest User

Speak Out Story: Feelings of being forced to take ill health retirement!

This is the second in the series of our Speak Out Stories.

The Speak Out Stories are a series of anonymous blogs which provide a voice to those who have been silenced, raise awareness of the challenges which others face and empower everyone to advocate for truly inclusive workplaces.

This story is about Rhona’s fight against inequality, social injustice and the abuse of power and authority within Police Scotland.

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Why we need to stop saying: “You don’t look like a... {Insert profession}”
Marie Hemingway Marie Hemingway

Why we need to stop saying: “You don’t look like a... {Insert profession}”

With entire professions falling victim to the ‘male, pale, stale’ label, can we really diversify workforces while it remains acceptable to say that women don’t look like they should be doing their jobs?

When the first statement we make to a woman who shares her profession in a traditionally male field is: “You don’t look like a {Insert profession}” we verbalise society's unconscious bias that acts to constrain women to acceptable gender based roles. Perhaps we need to stop telling women what they do and don’t look like when it comes to their jobs and start asking ourselves why we care to comment at all?

In this article I share my views on this commonplace throwaway phrase, it’s negative implications and steps we can each take to live and work more inclusively.

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